Tag Archives: Massage

Acupuncture Techniques in Traditional Chinese Medicine : Tour of an Acupuncture Clinic

Welcome to Ace Acupuncture Clinic of Milwaukee, one of the largest centers providing Chinese medicine in the Midwest established since 1990. I’m Dr. Jin, the chief acupuncturist of this clinic and the owner, professor of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China. I have practiced acupuncture and Chinese medicine for over forty years and have published 18 books and nearly 100 research papers in this field. Today on behalf of ExpertVillage.com I want to give you a tour of my acupuncture clinic. It is a single building, it has spacious waiting room, doctor’s office, classroom and six private exam or treatment rooms. Several acupuncturist and staff working with me together to provide a complete Chinese medical service including acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and Chi-Kung therapy. This is a typical exam or treatment room, traditionally before treatment and precise general exam procedures, acupuncturist look at patient’s tongue and checks the pulse to determine the state of the body. Acupuncture therapy is applying special halite fine needles is one type of heating technique to stimulate sudden points of the body surface. Generally a session of treatment last 30 to 45 minutes. If you have any question about acupuncture and my clinic, please visit my website aceacupuncture.com

– Oh my God. (clapping and instrumental music) – We’re getting acupuncture today. – Acupuncture. – Acupuncture is based on energy and it’s based on harmonizing the energy of the body. I will be putting acupuncture needles and acupuncture points to help harmonize the body and bring balance to the system. – I’m very nervous when it comes to needles. So this’ll be a good day to conquer my fear. – But he’s not nervous when it comes to being shirtless. – (laughs) What a zinger! – It’s not gonna like make me react weird or anything is it? I’m not gonna. – (laughs) What do you thinks gonna happen? – Just afraid I’ll fart or something. (relaxing piano music) – So Imma feel your pulse now. And that’s one of the diagnostic tools is feeling the pulse and looking at the tongue. – [Voiceover] What does looking at the tongue tell you? – The tongue is one of the only muscles that you can see outside the body.

So when you look at the tongue it can tell you what’s happening inside. – Oh OK. – Oh do you stick them in my head? Oh my God. Is there one in right now? – [Acupuncturist] Yeah. (relaxing piano music) – Ryan what does it look like? – Ah! You have an antenna on your head. – Oh my God. What is my life? – It’s weird like you feel a little something but it definitely doesn’t hurt. – Felt that a little bit. Oh my God. (laughs) – Oh my God you’re gonna stick one there. Fuck me. – And how many needles will you use on me? – Usually I don’t put in more than 20 or 30. (relaxing piano music) (plucky guitar music) – Felt quite good. I relaxed. (laughs) – I feel really relaxed. I don’t know if it’s just the placebo effect but I feel very in my body. – I feel very like chill. I don’t think I’m like on the cloud nine that he is. – I feel pretty sleepy. But like in a good way not like a tired way. – I could see myself going and doing it again depending on the benefits that I feel.

– Let’s see how I sleep tonight. I’ll let you know. – I think Ryan’s just sad that he had to do this post interview with a shirt on. Like I think that’s the only like (laughs). – Here it comes. That train is never late. Always on time. (plucky instrumental music).